Urban Decay retracts press release

Last week Urban Decay announced plans to expand to China and issued a press release about it which I blogged about here. Many Urban Decay users were (and are) in an uproar about it. Christine from Temptalia contacted them with questions which UD replied to her. The Leaping Bunny and Cruelty Free bunny logos were removed from Urban Decay’s site late June 6 or early June 7 with the Coalition for Consumer Information on Cosmetics’ (CCIC) issuing their own press release which I blogged about here. Due to the outrage from consumers a petition was started in an attempt to change Urban Decay’s mind in expanding to China.

As of 6/11/2012 the original Urban Decay press release has been removed from the Urban Decay site and replaced with this one instead.


Urban Decay is planning to sell our products in China.

If you have any questions, our customer service team is available to you: info@urbandecay.com

For Urban Decay fans interested, founding partner Wende Zomnir will also host a live web chat in two weeks to answer your questions. Please click here to be notified of the date and time of the chat.

Editors or advocacy groups interested in interviews may contact us at publicrelations@urbandecay.com

Looks like Urban Decay is trying to distance themselves from the comments they originally made about going to try and change the Chinese government when we all know even human rights groups can’t change the Chinese government.

Press release: Urban Decay – Coalition for Consumer Information on Cosmetics’ (CCIC) Leaping Bunny Program

As of late last night/early this morning Urban Decay’s site no longer has the Leaping Bunny or Cruelty Free bunny logos on their site. Press release from Coalition for Consumer Information on Cosmetics’ (CCIC) Leaping Bunny Program.


Leaping Bunny Program Removes Urban Decay:
China’s Animal Testing Requirements are the Reason

June 6, 2012

PHILADELPHIA—The Leaping Bunny Program, administered by the Coalition for Consumer Information on Cosmetics (CCIC), regrets to inform compassionate consumers who look for the Leaping Bunny Logo that Urban Decay is no longer certified as cruelty-free by the Leaping Bunny Program. The company has notified us that they have elected to sell their products in China, which, due to animal testing requirements in that country, will cause them to be in violation of our Corporate Standard of Compassion for Animals.

Concerned individuals may be aware that animal testing requirements implemented last year in China have caused other companies, such as Mary Kay, to be removed from the Leaping Bunny list due to similar concerns. And there may be more, as CCIC continually investigates reports of companies that may be a party to animal testing in order to sell in China.

The Leaping Bunny Program sets itself apart from other cruelty-free lists by reviewing companies’ adherence to a strict no animal testing standard and removing those companies that no longer comply. “The tragedy of this is that testing cosmetic products and ingredients on animals is cruel and unnecessary,” commented Sue Leary, Chair of CCIC. The certification program remains in dialogue with companies and other experts on the issue, and supports efforts to persuade Chinese officials to accept non-animal alternative test methods.

Companies certified through the Leaping Bunny Program pledge to eliminate animal testing from all stages of product development. The company’s ingredient suppliers make the same pledge and the result is a product guaranteed to be 100 percent free of new animal testing. All Leaping Bunny companies must be open to independent audits for verification, and pledge commitments are renewed on an annual basis.

Since 1996, the Coalition for Consumer Information on Cosmetics has been connecting compassionate consumers with cruelty-free companies. The CCIC is made up of the following organizations: American Anti-Vivisection Society; Animal Alliance of Canada; Beauty Without Cruelty, USA; Doris Day Animal League; Humane Society of Canada; The Humane Society of the United States; and the New England Anti-Vivisection Society. CCIC’s international partner is the European Coalition to End Animal Experiments. On the web at http://www.LeapingBunny.org.

For more information, contact Vicki Katrinak at (888)546-CCIC or admin@LeapingBunny.org

Edit 7/6/2012: Urban Decay has decided not to sell in China. See my latest blog post at http://zadidoll.blogspot.com/2012/07/urban-decay-will-not-be-selling-in.html

Urban Decay to lose Leaping Bunny logo?

Personally I’m not against animal testing – medically speaking as I don’t see it necessary in the cosmetic industry but I do see it necessary in the medical field – however I know many of you are 100% against animal testing of any kind and are very careful in the companies you buy from because they or their parent company currently animal tests.

It’s come to my attention that Urban Decay is expanding their brand to China and as such the Chinese government requires or tends to require to test products on animals. As such Urban Decay could possibly lose their Leaping Logo from the Coalition for Consumer Information on Cosmetics’ (CCIC) and the Cruelty Free rabbit logo from PETA.

From Urban Decay’s website:


Urban Decay is going to sell our products in China. Because of China’s policies on animal testing, we know that this will not be a popular decision with some of our loyal customers. But the decision is a thoughtful one.

For 16 years, we have been committed to two key causes: women’s rights, and the fight against animal testing. Our dedication to those causes will not waver.

For those of you unfamiliar with China’s policies, the sticking point is this: the Chinese government reserves the right to conduct animal testing with cosmetic products before the products are approved for use by Chinese citizens. The government has not told us if they have exercised this right with our products. So, our brand does not test on animals, but the Chinese government might conduct a one-time test using our products. Do we like China’s policies? No…and that is really the point. Going into China was a huge decision for Urban Decay. But, we believe that change cannot and will not happen by outside pressure alone in a closed market. Change can only happen from within. When we enter the Chinese market, we will do our part to help make those changes.

When we were considering expanding into China, a group of marketing consultants told us to remove the section of our company history that describes our crusade against animal testing. “It doesn’t mean anything to the Chinese beauty customer,” they said. Of course, we refused. Our “no animal testing” policy is part of who we are, and has been since day one. The news that animal issues don’t even register with the average Chinese consumer was one of the biggest factors in our decision to go there. During Urban Decay’s infancy, we worked hard to inform consumers about animal rights in the United States and Europe. The battleground for animal rights is now in China, and we want to be there to encourage dialogue and provoke change.

We also hope to shed some light on women’s rights issues in China. As a company that caters to a female customer, this is extremely important to us. For one thing, going into China is a way for us to advance women into important professional positions. We will help grow the cosmetics industry, which primarily employs and creates career paths for women. Although workers’ employment rights are a relatively new concept there, progress has been made partially because of pressure from businesses, consumers, and advocacy groups from other countries. Based on this, our belief is that both an outside force and inside pressure for change can result in helping transform both the importance of women and animal testing policies in China. And more importantly, we hope to influence the perspective of the citizens on both of these issues.

If we don’t go to China, other companies without our beliefs will, and the culture will never change. We want to encourage a culture of consumers who care enough to buy cruelty-free products, and who view professional women as role models who influence their lives on a daily basis.

Yes, we are a for-profit company. And yes, we would eventually like to make money in China. But we don’t stand to turn a profit in China for quite a while, partially because the market isn’t quite ready to sustain an untraditional brand like ours. If it were only about the money, we would wait a few years. But our foray into this market is also about participating in an amazing time of change in China. We don’t like animal testing (and neither do the 13 dogs in our office), but we are trying to change the world… even if it is one eye shadow at a time! Sitting on the sidelines isn’t our style. We understand that you might not like our decision, but we hope you can respect it.

Any editors or advocacy groups interested in interviews with Urban Decay founding partner Wende Zomnir may contact us at publicrelations@urbandecay.com.

For any advocates or Urban Decay fans interested, Urban Decay founding partner Wende Zomnir will host a live chat in 2 weeks to answer questions about our entry into China. Please click here if you would like to sign up to be notified.

At this point in time I’m not 100% sure if PETA or the CCIC will pull their logos from Urban Decay’s site but my guess is that they eventually will with Urban Decay expanding into China.


Note: There is an online petition if you would like to sign it.

On 6/6/2012 the Leaping Bunny and Cruelty Free bunny were on Urban Decay’s site but as of 6/7/2012 both logos have since been removed from Urban Decay’s site.