MyGlam: April "Sneak Peek"

Not so much as a sneak peek since the site for April is now live however I don’t think I’ll be doing anymore sneak peeks due to the new design for MyGlam which renders the old formatting obsolete. Basically what this means is until I can figure out the new system to find the products before it’s launched no more sneak peeks.

So in this month’s MyGlam bag those subscribed will be getting:

Item Size Value
MyGlam pink “glamour” bag. N/A $5.99*
MyGlam All-Over Eyeshadow Brush N/A $4.98*
MyGlam Eyeliner Brush N/A $4.98*
Urban Decay 24/7 Glide-On Eye Pencil 0.03 oz (travel size) $6.40*
All-Belle False Eyelashes one size – one set $3.50*
Dermstore Lip Quench 0.21 oz (full size) $12.00
Total value: $37.85

Items with * are approximate value based on similar products. Unfortunately things like the MyGlam bag and brushes are not sold retail so I can’t put an exact value on it. The bag price is based on similar bags sold at Target while the brushes are based on prices similar to those sold Crown Brush.

As for the travel liner from Urban Decay. Those are not sold individually. The full size liners are $19 and weight 0.04 oz while the travel liners are typically sold either in sets OR are packaged with palettes. On the MyGlam website they show three different color liners – Perversion (black), Woodstock (hot pink) and Ransom (dark purple). These three liners were last seen in the 24/7 Travel Pencils in Electric set that originally sold for $32 for five liners (the other two colors were Junkie [dark green] and Radium [bright blue]). Based on that set I put a value of $6.40 on the eye liner $32 รท 5 = $6.40

As for the eyelashes, based on Promise Phan’s photo it looks like we’re getting one set of lashes. Promise got the Orange Queen which I was able to find that All-Belle sells the lashes in three types of sets – a package of 10, a package of three and a single set of lashes which is what we’re getting. Based on the similar lashes at for single lashes, I put a value of $3.50 on what we’re getting.)

There are no “OR” items this month other than the color selection of the eyeliners and possibly eyelashes. Basically what you see is what you get.

Review/Swatches: BH Cosmetics Jenni Rivera’s 36 Color Eyeshadow and Blush Palette

Disclaimer: I received this palette for review. Opinions are 100% honest.

This palette is one they need to make part of their permanent line because the colors are so pigmented, creamy, smooth and the colors blend easily. This is by far my favorite palette of all time because all of the colors are colors I love to wear. In fact, several colors are reminiscent of a couple of prestige palettes I own. I could easily gush and rave about each individual color but instead I’ll talk about the palette as a whole (though the deep green and deep blue are by far my favorite two colors in it).

The actual palette:
jenni - actual palette.jpgThe Jenni Rivera palette contains 30 eye shadows and six blushes. Each shadow pan is roughly the size of a US dime. Some of the colors (specifically the reds) I like as eye shadows but love more when mixed with a clear gloss for a pop of sheer color. The blush pans are roughly the size of a US half dollar coin. While the pans may seem small the fact is that these colors are so well pigmented, rich and vibrant that a little goes a long way.

The shadows with shimmer are more easy to work with than the few matte colors. While the mattes still went on easily the mattes felt more dry on the skin than the mattes which felt more creamy.

There are a few problems with this palette but these are all minor problems. The first problem with the palette is that some of the colors are TOO pigmented – specifically the black and dark grays. What a problem to have right? On bare skin the color may stain your skin so I recommend applying these over a base or primer to protect your skin. When applied over a base or primer the color does not stain the skin.

Another problem is also due to the pigmentation in the blushes, if you are heavy handed you may find yourself with very bright pink cheeks so I recommend to lightly, and I do mean lightly since my brushes picked these colors up easily, lightly apply the blush. Yes the colors will blend easily but still you don’t need a lot. I found that out the hard way the first time I used this palette and was shocked, absolutely shocked by how vibrant these colors are. I don’t have a heavy hand to begin with but I found that with the blushes, especially the last two darker colors, a little goes a long way.

I also found these colors make a fantastic eyeliner because of how pigmented the shadows are. The first time I used one of the shadows (the dark green) as a liner I was pleased by how gorgeous the color was as a liner. The only colors I wouldn’t use on a daily basis as an eyeliner are the reds simply because red liner could possibly make your eyes look tired and blood shot.

Does it crease? I used an eyeshadow primer from another company and found that these shadows do not crease on my skin however each person’s skin is different and some might find the colors to crease.

Does it fade easily? The darker the color the longer the shadow lasted. Some colors on me – specifically the light matte colors seen in the second row – tend to fade out within a few hours.

Does it blend easily? As I mentioned before, I did find the colors to blend easily. These colors are also buildable which means if you apply a small amount and think it’s too light you can easily apply more to build the color. The darker the color though the less you need to work with unless you have a heavy hand.

Full sunlight, no primer or base used. Swatched on bare skin, one swipe only.
jenni - row 1.jpgjenni - row 2.jpg jenni - row 3.jpg jenni - row 4.jpg
The first row was taken outside however the ISO level was set at 200, I didn’t realize it until I transferred the pictures to my computer.
Once I realized the image came out dark I switched the ISO to 400.

As for the case itself. The palette case is typical of other BH Cosmetic cases that it is a hard matte black case with a mirror. No applicators come with this particular palette. When you open it a plastic sheet is between the mirror and the shadows which is nice since you can keep that plastic sheet to help protect the shadows when in storage. The clasp to the palette on the hand may pose a potential problem if you drop the palette it’s possible the clasp will break since it’s thin plastic. The hinge is nice and long and not like some palettes where the case has two or three short hinges that break easily.

Would I recommend this palette?
Yes. It’s relatively inexpensive and considering BH Cosmetics tends to have fantastic sales on their palettes you can probably pick this palette up for as little as $15 (give or take). As I mentioned before several of the colors in this palette can dupe other more expensive brands palette colors. While these colors are all on the warm side I still think that those with cool undertones can use it.

The negative:
I have only one complaint about the Jenni Rivera palette from BH Cosmetics. That complaint is that this is a limited edition palette which means once it’s sold out that’s it there is no more. So if you’ve been eying this palette but haven’t wanted to purchase it for whatever reason I do think you should get it before it’s too late. I really do think that this palette should be made part of the permanent line because every single color in it I absolutely love and wear.


BH Cosmetics