MyGlam – My Feb bag

This month I’ll be discussing my bag differently than I have previously did about my December and January bags. I also want to announce that I am now a MyGlam Ambassador HOWEVER this does NOT mean I won’t give you my opinion on something I get or stop with the sneak peeks – I have my own readers to think about first and foremost than anyone else (well except my family and personal friends but that’s a moot point). I’m not paid by MyGlam and I’m not given free products to try, I still pay for my monthly subscription and get my bag at the roughly the same time as most other people.

Ok, since I already blogged about the February bag in my sneak peek post I won’t go into more detail on the products so if you want more information on the products I have it in my previous post.

As usual the MyGlam bag was once again shipped out in a bubble mailer. The previous two mailers were light pink while this month it was hot pink. To be honest the color is too similar to Birchbox hot pink. If I recall correct the December bag was shipped via while last month through the UPS Mail Innovations as was this month’s bag. Like my previous bags nothing inside was damaged during shipping however I am aware of numerous people whose items were damaged during shipping.

Personally, I’m not a fan of bubble mailers because with those types of mailers the chance for items to come damaged or outright broken is greater than if packed in a box. If items were to be mailed in a bubble mailer then I think the items should not be fragile or breakable. Yes there’s the chance items inside a box will also break but if packed correctly then that chance diminishes.

My bag was the hot pink bag with black little hearts and I thought this month’s bag was absolutely cute. I liked this bag over the previous months bags to be honest and I’m not a hot pink fan at all. Knowing this was a cute bag I did allow my eldest daughter to subscribe in January so she got her bag today (we still haven’t opened it yet) however she unsubscribed once she received her tracking to go back to Birchbox due to Birchbox teaming up with Teen Vogue in March. All three of my daughters are now with Birchbox for that Teen Vogue box.

I’m giving my actual bag to my youngest daughter since I already know she’s going to be “borrowing” (and never returning it) anyways. *lol* My middle daughter hates pink, absolutely loathes it (which is ironic since her class color for the next four years is pink *lol*) so she’s not sorry that she didn’t get a bag this month.

So this month’s card featured Jessica Harlow. I have to admit she’s very pretty. I absolutely love her long hair. It’s a cute picture. She did post on her Facebook wall the full size picture from that photo shoot so take a look.

On the back of the card the products are once again listed but this month no prices are listed with the exception of the NuMe “gift certificate” (more on that in a bit).

So I got the X Out Shine Control, the NYX Roll On Shimmer in Mauve Pink, two small sachets of the Premier Dead Sea Cinderella Mask (which is actually called Instant Stretching and Revitalizing [Lifting] Mask) and the eye cream mask also by Dead Sea Premier. Also in the bag was a Freeman Beauty mask sachet in Goji berry which I’ve used in the past and like to use after a clay mask or when my skin is feeling dry. Lastly the NuMe $100 “gift certificate”. Oh and I almost forgot, Ghirardelli goodness in the form of two pieces of chocolate – milk and dark chocolate. YUM to chocolate especially Ghirardelli chocolate.

I plan on giving my middle daughter the X Out Shine Control simply because I can’t use it due to the alcohol content in it (burns my skin) but the rest of it is all mine! 😀

Now onto my “rant”. The NuMe “gift certificate” is a very generous discount however three things that irk me about it. First, it’s not a true gift certificate since their website even lists it as a coupon. Second, all the items on the site are over $100 which means you’re still paying for something out of your own pocket including a heft shipping fee. Lastly, the fact you can’t pair this “gift certificate” with the 50% coupon code (myglamagram14) which is because the “gift certificate” is a coupon code. If I could use the 50% off the item in the picture plus the $100 “gift certificate” then the price out of my own pocket would still be a little over $100 but that’s a far cry from almost $400. Oh well, I don’t use my CHI flat iron to begin with and I rarely blow dry my hair now so it’s not a total loss for me. *lol* I do know other people are annoyed with it but let’s face it, MyGlam bag was only $10 and we shouldn’t expect a few hundred bucks given to use which is one way of looking at the coupon code, I mean gift certificate.

So a few tips I like to share with everyone. A few weeks ago I shared on my Facebook wall a link to someone who turned her M•A•C eyeshadow into nail polish! So if you don’t like your NYX Roll On Shimmer powder then turn it into nail polish or turn it into eyeliner! To make an eyeliner out of it you will need either something like M•A•C Fix+ or Urban Decay’s Transforming Potion or even a gel liner to mix it into. I’ll eventually have a blog post on that but I do know it’s been done before.

Oh and lastly, I know that some people have had allergic reactions to the pineapple mask or the goji berry one so if the mask is stinging your face or you feel like it’s burning WASH IT OFF IMMEDIATELY! This goes for ANY product you try. Don’t keep it on your face if it doesn’t feel right to your skin.

FTC Disclaimer: I am a MyGlam Ambassador however I am not compensated in any manner by MyGlam. Monthly bags are purchased by me for my own personal use. Opinions my own.

MyGlam February sneek peek CONFIRMED!

On Monday I posted a sneak peek of what MyGlam is shipping out to MyGlam subscribers
The following picture was posted at MakeupTalk by xlisaa today after her bag from MyGlam came. I had people doubting me on the MyGlam wall (one basically called me a liar) and eventually Monday afternoon MyGlam yanked the individual product pages from their server.

MyGlam stated that their main page for February should be up by Wednesday (tomorrow) so my guess is the individual product pages will be back up tomorrow. Fortunately a member at Makeup Talk got her bag today and was able to confirm what I wrote on Monday! 😀

  1. $100 NuMeOnline gift certificate*
  2. Freeman Mask in Goji Berry
  3. A NYX Roll On Shimmer
  4. X Out Shine Control
  5. Dead Sea Premier samples (2)
  6. Ghirardelli chocolate

So the only thing that I didn’t know was coming was the chocolate. 

As I stated in my original post the only thing I wasn’t sure was which item was going to be an “OR” item. Looks like the Freeman mask is among the “OR” products – you get the Goji Berry Hydration Mask OR the Pineapple Exfoliating Scrub. The other “OR” items look to be with the Dead Sea Premier products since there are six items I listed in my original sneak peek post.

*Note: There are two conditions on the “gift certificate” – has to be used on hair extensions (which are $179) or a styling tool (least expensive is a $115 mini flat iron). It’s not a bag coupon but it’s more of a coupon than gift certificate, a gift certificate to me has NO conditions on it.

Edit to add: Keep in mind that the bags may vary. Some people might get what xlisaa got and some people might get something else (like the Pineapple Enzyme Scrub instead of the Goji or a combination of different Dead Sea Premier masks).

MyGlam February sneek peek

Curious to know what’s coming in the MyGlam bags this month?

Disclaimer: My bag hasn’t shipped yet so I’m not 100% sure if everything listed below is exactly what you’ll get. Remember, until you get your actual bag, the contents listed in this blog entry is based on what’s listed on their website as of 2/13/2012 at 1:44 AM Pacific.

Emily S. and I have been stalking MyGlam’s site for over a week now. We’ve been comparing notes and she gave me the heads up the images were up on the site and I went to double check the actual pages to see if those are up and sure enough it is!

MyGlam posted on February 8 this picture to their Twitter feed. The bag looks to be the same size as previous bags but it’s a hot pink bag with little black hearts.

I personally think the bag looks really cute in the picture so I’ll pass this to my 13-year-old daughter so she can use it for personal hygiene products to keep in her locker at school.

I forgot to mention. The screenshots shown in this blog entry are from the MyGlam site. Remember, until they official list the pages the screenshots shown of the individual pages can still end up changing like last month.

Roll On Shimmer by NYX

Price: $4.50 on NYX

I know it’s been discussed on Makeup Talk already and some people love it and some people hate it. I’ve never used it so no opinion on it one way or another right now. I think out of all the products in the bag this is the one I’m REALLY looking forward to getting.

Shine Control by X Out

Price: Unknown.

It comes as a “free” gift with purchase of X Outâ„¢ Acne Wash-In Treatment (starts at $25.94 for a 30 day supply).

X Out is by Proactive and it’s an acne cleansing system aimed at teens. It’s suppose to be less harsh than Proactive. I do have to warn you though, it’s also distributed by the same company that distributes WEN and Sheer Cover so if you hate infomercial products this is one you’ll probably hate.

Personally, I’ll be passing this to my teen daughter who uses prescription acne products from time to time.

Cinderella Mask by Dead Sea Premier

Retail: $149.99 on Dead Sea Premier

I’m familiar with Dead Sea Premier’s name but off hand I don’t recall using any of their products before. I love facial masks but anyone else find it odd they’re sending this mask PLUS Freeman masks?

My guess this will be a deluxe sample size and NOT a full size.

Pineapple and Goji Berry Facial Mask Sachets by Freeman

Retail: $1.99 at Freeman Beauty

So here’s what happened to the sachets that I found on the MyGlam site last month. Instead of getting the sachets last month along with the full size cucumber mask the sachets were never sent out in the January bags. Looks like we might be getting it this month. I wonder if this is going to be an “OR” item in placed of the Dead Sea Premier mask. Guess we’ll have to wait and see.

Professional Styling Tools and Hair Extensions Gift Card

Unknown Value $100 value

Several of us speculated that we were going to get promo codes for a percentage or a dollar amount off the NuMe blow dryer or flat iron. Ok, so we also speculated maybe we’d be getting one (that was wishful thinking). Looks like we’re getting a “gift card”. Hope it’s not really a “$ off $ spent” type because in reality those aren’t gift cards. I get those in my Test Tube by New Beauty for Spalook and HATE those cards because you can’t use it with other promo codes since it’s a promo code itself!

Dead Sea Premier Other Products

Concentrated Facial Serum with Vitamin E and C (Retail: $149.99)
Moisture Complex (Retail: $149.99)
Eye Serum (Retail: $150)
Eye Cream (Retail: $150)
BIOX Intensive Age Treatment Cream and Serum (Retail: $500)

The page shows that several items are being sent out. My guess is that the items will be an “OR” item OR possible the “gift” that’s being sent out to those whose bags were screwed up last month. Another item we’ll have to wait and see.

My guess these will all be deluxe sample sizes not full size. I did see on the Dead Sea Premier site you can get up to three deluxe samples for free BUT you have to pay $5.99 in shipping.

A11s_Moisture_Cream_Complex__01562_zoom.jpg A11s_Moisture_Cream_Complex__82546_std.jpg L1s_BIOX_Age_Defying_Cream__13343_std.jpg L2s_BIOX_Age_Defying_Serum__76624_std.jpg L1s_BIOX_Age_Defying_Cream_Sachet__44249_std.jpg

Disclaimer: Not affiliated with or compensated by any product or company mentioned in this blog entry. Information is for personal use only.